Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Ongoing pattern of inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity that affects many areas of life including school, work, home, relationships, and daily functioning.
2 subtypes: Inattention & Hyperactivity/Impulsivity

Difficulty Paying Attention
Easily distracted, trouble staying focused, finishing assignments, making careless mistakes.
Struggle to keep tidy and organized. Arriving late to school & other activities. Disorganized routine.
Forget to do chores/assignments/tasks, even when reminded multiple times. Frequently misplace items such as glasses, phone, homework.
Difficulty Following Instructions
Trouble following multi-step instructions without getting lost. Space out often, even when spoken to directly.
Hyperactive /Impulsivity
Fidgeting & Restless
Constantly tapping feet, wiggling, or moving hands even when expected to sit still. Unable to stay seated.
Talking Excessively
Interrupt conversations, difficulty taking turns, impatient, struggle to play quietly.
Act out without thinking about the consequences. Might make impulsive decisions, such as hitting a peer when feeling frustrated at them.

Warning Signs
Academic and Work Issues
Performance in school or work is impacted due to difficulty focusing and completing tasks.
Social Difficulties
Struggle in social settings due to inattention/hyperactivity.
Emotional Challenges
Quick mood swings, emotional outbursts, difficulty managing frustration & impatience (may be impacting family/friend relationships).
Memory Problems
Frequently forgetting important dates, appointments, and tasks; misplacing items and spending a lot of time searching for them.