Written by Markeeta Martin, LCPC and Ashley Carter, LGPC. Clinically Reviewed by Jenny Ryan, LMSW

As first responders for many families in distress, the Department of Social Services is often the first to witness or hear about mental health challenges. 

Along with food, shelter, physical health resources, and financial assistance, DSS employees should be prepared to connect families to mental health resources if they’re experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, suicidal ideation, or other mental health-related symptoms.

It’s also crucial to remember that caregivers aren’t the only ones who experience mental health challenges. Children frequently lack the skills to navigate the stressors their family is experiencing, making them more susceptible to crisis or to developing maladaptive behaviors. 

Early intervention is critical to assist children of all ages and backgrounds, and DSS is a pivotal player in recognizing distress and pointing families in the direction of care!

The Need for Early Mental Health Intervention in a Crisis

Families who interact with and receive assistance from DSS are usually experiencing hardships and other difficult situations that can lead to mental distress. 

These may include: 

  • Abuse, neglect, and other traumas
  • Custody battles and other legal/court matters
  • Lack of food or shelter
  • Lack of access to transportation
  • Financial insecurity (unemployment or death of parent/head of household)
  • Physical health problems

Each of these external problems can also directly impact the mental health of children and their caregivers.

The sooner these families’ needs are identified, the sooner treatment or other solutions can be provided symptoms worsen. And while some families may not feel comfortable talking openly about their mental health, it is always okay to inquire and offer resources.

Who to Refer and When 

When a family or child discloses mental health concerns, it is essential to demonstrate active listening skills and direct them to the right resource. 

Suppose a family reveals self-harming behaviors, suicidal ideations, or homicidal ideations. In that case, it is best practice to get them a psychological evaluation by a mental health professional at the nearest hospital and then provide the family with outpatient therapy resources in their area.

If the family expresses behavioral concerns or other unusual behaviors from their child, then referring them to an outpatient mental health treatment center would be best. This can include local therapists or medication management offices. It is important to express empathy and remind the family that they are not alone in the challenges that they may be facing. This is a critical way to help establish trust and provide the appropriate care for their needs.

When a family comes to DSS for further information on mental health resources, social service employees should assess their needs, collaborate with other professionals for care coordination, and refer them appropriately. By doing so, providers are helping the family feel supported during an uncertain time in their lives.

Connecting Families to Accessible Mental Healthcare

Backpack Healthcare provides outpatient mental health treatment for individuals and families via telehealth, and there is no waitlist! We accept most insurances, including Medicaid, so our services are accessible to most families regardless of their financial status. 

We also believe in collaborative care and a supportive treatment approach. As such, we provide updates throughout our client’s treatment to the client and their family.

And because our services — including therapy, psychiatry, and medication management — are all conducted virtually, we eliminate barriers associated with transportation challenges, so patients can see us wherever and whenever works best for them. 

How to Refer a Patient to Backpack Healthcare

We know that most mental healthcare providers have a complex referral process, but we’ve worked to make ours as simple as possible for you and your clients. 

We have several ways to refer a potential client interested in seeking mental health treatment, including:

Simply reach out and provide the client’s contact information, name, and the reason for the referral. This is also an excellent time to get a release of information (ROI) from the client for any other service providers they are currently working with to coordinate collaborative care. 

After receiving the referral, our team will contact the client to schedule an intake appointment. They will then be connected with a mental health provider and begin treatment.

Don’t wait to connect your clients to the care they need! Get started today at hellobackpack.com/partners

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